Low Pressure Molding Solution provider LPMS was founded in 2004. LPMS is the pioneer of low pressure molding,CVD, Parylene coating nano spray&coating film technology and dual liquid molding technology. Our philosophy is keep innovating, quality first, keeping the customers satisfied, keep upgrading. LPMS provides turkey solution from equipment, mold set, resin&Parylene material, set up parameters, training and customer service.

LPMS is a comprehensive base for the research, development, and production of electronic product waterproof solutions with complete processes. With nearly 20 years of experience in electronic product waterproof technology and the enterprising spirit of continuous development and innovation, it has obtained multiple patents and has been awarded the titles of "High tech Enterprise", "Specialized and New Enterprise", and "Innovative Small and Medium sized Enterprise", consolidating LPMS's recognition in the industry. The LPMS has become a brand in related industries at home and abroad.

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