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          July 3-5th,2020 Productronica China The three-day Productronica China exhibition, held in National

          The three-day Productronica China  exhibition, held in National Exhibition and Convention Center (NECC) Shanghai, closed in the afternoon of July 5. This is the 11th consecutive year that LPMS was invited by the exhibition organizers to participate in the worldwide exhibition platform of electronic industry. The exhibition is the international exhibition with electronic production technology and equipment. Exhibitors and visitors were not affected by the epidemic and the LPMS both attracted many professional audience. In this exhibition, LPMS demonstrated two types of waterproof solutions for electronic products, including low-pressure injection molding and Parylene vacuum coating. 
          The exhibition of various new technologies and new application results is the embodiment of LPMS down-to-earth focus on low-pressure injection molding. It also reflects the ability of LPMS to integrate industrial resources and continuously lead the low-pressure injection molding market, so that visitors have a deeper understanding of LPMS.2020上海展會(huì)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)圖 (4)_看圖王.jpg


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