午夜羞羞影院男女爽爽爽,自由 日本语 热 亚洲人,日本高清在线观看WWWWW色,欧美日韩精品久久免费,夜夜春宵翁熄性放纵30,欧美一本大道香蕉综合视频,桃花社区在线播放,欧美成人影院亚洲综合图,军训完被教官灌满精子男男,被按摩师玩弄到潮喷

          News center
          September 26,2020 Dongguan TianSai Plastic Machinery Co., Ltd. in advance for employees to send Mid-Autumn Festival benefits

             Moon cake fragrance, the moon round; National Day Huan, dance Pian Pian. The Mid-Autumn Festival appreciates the full moon, the heart is sweeter than honey; the National Day big round, Cathay Pacific enjoys peace! The Mid-Autumn Festival National Day double festival to, alone in the foreign country for the alien guest, every holiday twice think of relatives!

          In this case, all the employees of Dongguan Tiansei Company carry forward the spirit of hard struggle and innovation, and continue to lead the low pressure injection molding industry. On the occasion of the National Day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the company issued Mid-Autumn Festival benefits to employees in advance, so that each employee felt the warmth of home. The company prepared beautiful and delicious moon cakes and sweet and delicious fruits for each employee. I wish the company and all the staff: every year satisfactory, month and month everything goes smoothly, day by day joy without worry, always happy and happy, engraved full of vitality, things smooth home! Smooth business Shunjiaxing!


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