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          Running can not only strengthen the physique, but also can cheer up the spirit, exercise the will, in order to enhance the team consciousness, fighting consciousness, fitness consciousness of all the employees of the company, Show the spirit of "healthy, sunshine" of Dongguan TianSai Machinery Co., Ltd.,2020-11-29 low pressure injection molding program provider Dongguan TianSai Machinery Co., Ltd. held the sixth Games.

          The running competition was held in Songshan Lake, and the number of participants was large, so safety work was also particularly important. In this regard, the Department of Management also included safety in the planning, and in the assembly, Explain to the staff the matters needing attention and competition rules.

          At ordinary times, we all have a lot of contact and communication, in line with the purpose of friendship first, competition second, eliminating estrangementment, enhances the team cooperation ability purpose, has carried out :"5 kilometers long-distance race "," tug-of-war "each member participates in the enthusiasm high, the long-distance race is a test will and the endurance competition, with own strength, to open up, one belongs to own long-distance race world!

          CVD, Chemical Vapor Deposition, Parylene,Parylene coating,nano coating,Macromelt,Thermelt,technomelt,Low pressure molding equipment,Low pressure injection molding equipment,Low pressure injection molding process,Low pressure injection,Low pressure injection glue,Low pressure molding glue,Low pressure molding tools,Low pressure molding molds,Low pressure molding product,Low pressure injection product

          CVD, Chemical Vapor Deposition, Parylene,Parylene coating,nano coating,Macromelt,Thermelt,technomelt,Low pressure molding equipment,Low pressure injection molding equipment,Low pressure injection molding process,Low pressure injection,Low pressure injection glue,Low pressure molding glue,Low pressure molding tools,Low pressure molding molds,Low pressure molding product,Low pressure injection product

          Tug of war is a collective game, a team game,

           Tug of war is to pull out a force, everyone has an endless force to wait for release;

           Tug of war is to pull out a unity, everyone has the inexhaustible strength to wait for cohesion;

           Tug of war, is to pull out a life, everyone has a different wonderful life waiting to achieve;

          A long rope, connecting you and my unity and love, a loud voice, convey each other's courage and strength, a firm foot print, play our struggle and struggle, a persistent back, left the victory and glory of the winner.

          CVD, Chemical Vapor Deposition, Parylene,Parylene coating,nano coating,Macromelt,Thermelt,technomelt,Low pressure molding equipment,Low pressure injection molding equipment,Low pressure injection molding process,Low pressure injection,Low pressure injection glue,Low pressure molding glue,Low pressure molding tools,Low pressure molding molds,Low pressure molding product,Low pressure injection product

          The collective efforts, the cooperation of all people, in a cry and palm into an invincible power, the players involved in the game. Sports will be on the spot, the atmosphere is hot and high, the sound of support one after another, the moving shadow formed a beautiful landscape, bright youth. After a fierce competition, the first one, two, three, the company launched the competition for competitors and runners throughout the race.

          Innumerable streams flow to one side of the gathering, will form a sea, sea hundred rivers, there is tolerance. Everyone pushes their strength in the same direction, there is no perfect person, only the perfect team! Our strength will be unlimited, Dongguan Tiansai Machinery Co., Ltd. will continue to lead the low-pressure injection molding industry, and battery production around the automatic equipment as a new starting point! Again create brilliant!

          Hits:  UpdateTime:2020-12-03 16:45:36  【Printing】  【Close
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