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          News center
          Upcoming Events
          2022 Shanghai Munich Electronics Fair Extension Notice

            Dear audience and industry friends:Considering the current epidemic situation of Shanghai Municipality is still complex and severe and in order to continue to implement the overall strategy of “preventing imported cases and resurgence of indigenous outbreak” and overall policy of "dynamic clearing", and to strictly follow all the epidemic control measures of Shanghai Municipality, we regret to announce that Originally scheduled for "Munich Shanghai Electronic Production Equipment Exhibition" on July 13-15,2022 will be postponed to March 22-24, 2023 at Shanghai New International Expo Center.Dongguan company will continue to participate in the exhibition.

            Dongguan Tiansai has always been focusing on the embodiment of low-voltage glue injection, which also reflects the ability of Dongguan Tiansai to integrate industry resources and continuously lead the low-voltage injection molding market, so as to provide more value for customers with the original intention. We have never changed.

            At this critical moment, our top priority is to maximize the health and safety of the audience and our friends in the industry. Here, we encourage and hope for you to maintain a positive attitude and have full confidence in China and our respective bright future.


            Kindly accept our sincere apology for any inconvenience caused by this change, but your safety is our top concern. Thank you all for your continuous support and we do hope that you will receive this information in time and you are able to make adjustments accordingly. If you have any question, please also feel free to contact us.

          We wish you all the best and good health!

          Hits:  UpdateTime:2022-06-15 10:48:26  【Printing】  【Close
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