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          News center
          Moon Festival

          As the annual Mid Autumn Festival approaches, LPMS as a professional provider of low pressure molding solutions, warmly conveys sincere wishes and beautiful wishes to all employees. To celebrate this reunion festival, the company has prepared a series of holiday benefits in advance for each employee to celebrate together.

          This care not only reflects the company's concern and respect for its employees, but also showcases LPMS people-oriented management philosophy. During this traditional festival, the company hopes that all employees can fully enjoy the joyful time and feel the warm and peaceful atmosphere brought by the Mid Autumn Festival.



          May this warm care become the driving force for employees to work hard, achieve better results in their work, and further promote the development of the company. On this day of reunion, the company sincerely wishes all employees and their families a happy and prosperous family reunion, good luck, happiness and well-being, and a joyful Mid Autumn Festival!

          In addition, LPMS will continue to uphold the concept of people-oriented, pay attention to the growth and development of employees, create a good working environment and welfare benefits for employees, and work together to create a better future. Let's join hands and contribute our strength to the development and progress of the company, and write a new brilliant chapter together!

          Hits:  UpdateTime:2024-09-18 14:05:06  【Printing】  【Close
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