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          A utility patent for a gun pump integrated system

          LPMS, as a professional provider specializing in low pressure molding solutions, has always been committed to providing customers with high-quality and high-performance molding products and solutions. Recently, the company was patented "A Gun Pump Integrated System" on August 2, 2024. Patent number: ZL 2023 2 3314796.1. The acquisition of this patent is not only a recognition of the company's research and development capabilities, but also a further step towards consolidating the company's leadership position in the low pressure molding industry.

          The patented technology of the integrated low pressure molding with a gun and pump is achieved by placing the gun body at one end of the pump body, forming an integration of the pump body and the gun body. The pump body directly delivers hot melt adhesive to the gun body for molding, which not only shortens the length of the hot melt adhesive delivery path, but also directly connects the pump body and the cavity, promoting the smooth flow of hot melt adhesive in the connecting pipe. Make the pressure more stable during  injection, and prolong the service life of the pump.


          Since its establishment, LPMS has always been customer-oriented, focused on technological innovation, and actively invested in research and development. The research and development achievements have achieved numerous patented technologies in the field of low pressure molding. These patented technologies not only create a good competitive advantage for the company's own development, but also make positive contributions to the technological progress of the entire low pressure molding industry.

          In the future, LPMS will continue to adhere to the concept of "innovation, pragmatism, and win-win", providing customers with higher quality products and services. At the same time, the company strives to enhance its innovation capability and technological strength to promote the sustainable development of the low pressure molding industry.

          Hits:  UpdateTime:2024-09-26 14:15:29  【Printing】  【Close
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