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          dual liquid silicone low pressure molding
          Two-Component Liquid Silicon Potting OEM
          Coil low pressure molding service

          Coil low pressure molding service

          Production Services

          • Standard OEM production workshop, production area 1500 square meters.

          • Small quantities proofing , batch contract manufacturing and product testing services.

          • SMT, DIP plug-in, lead-free process, welding process, low pressure molding, testing, package and new part design service.


          • Provide one-stop service from proposal, tooling to production.

          • Customers do not need to buy any equipment.

          • Strong technical support and professional knowledge in low pressure molding enable perfect product design and high quality production.

          • Shorten new product design time and make the product competitive.

          • Help our customer lower the product R&D cost and reduce the product risks.

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